Monday, September 14, 2015

A Simple Way to Start Using Google Analytics

It's Easy to Get Started Using Google Analytics

An easy way to begin to see how Google Analytics works and all the tools that are offered is to create a Google account. This can be done at or by using an already created Google account.

First Step: Creating a Blog

You can start a blog by going to
Click where it says New Blog. You can name it whatever you want, and you can choose the address you want it to have. Once you have created the address, make a note because you will need the link when you create the Google Analytics account.

Choose a template that you would like for your blog. This is the visual element that will appear on all your posts. Once you have completed these steps, click the button that says Create blog!

new blog

Now you can begin blogging about whatever topic you like. Once your blog is published you'll want to find ways to get your content seen. Try posting your blog link to Facebook or email the link to your contacts. 

Second Step: Creating a Google Analytics Account

Create the Google Analytics account by going to 
There will be a button in the top right hand corner that says "Access Google Analytics" if you are already signed into your Google account. If you aren't signed in, then there will be a button that says "Sign in" and you can use your Google account information.

Once your are signed in, you will be directed to a page that allows you to sign up for the Google Analytics account. Then you will be prompted to do 5 things: 

  1. Type in an account name. This could be your name, the name of your organization, or a title. 
  2. Set up a property. This is a place where your new site or blog is added for Google Analytics to track. Paste the address of your blog in this spot. 
  3. Then get your Tracking ID. This is a code that Google gives you so that you can paste it in your blog to connect Google Analytics with your blog. 
  4. Accept the Agreement
  5. Google Analytics will open a page with the name you gave your site or blog, and you can find the Tracking ID and copy it.

Third Step: Connecting the Blog Post with Google Analytics

Go back to your blog, and find the blog settings. Click "Settings" and then click "Other" Then find where it says "Google Analytics". This is where you will paste the Tracking ID from the Google Analytics page. 

It may take up to 24 hours to connect the two, but once they are connected, you can begin to track the analytics by clicking on the globe icon. This will show you web analytics that will give you an insight on your blog's performance. This means it will tell you how many visits you have and what the behavior is like on your site. You can also set a date range to show data daily, weekly, or monthly. This allows you to look back into past data and analyze trends you may see. 

Google Analytics


Once it's all set up, try to get more traffic to your blog by posting the link on Facebook and regularly blogging about relevant content.

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