Monday, September 28, 2015

Did You Know That There are Over 8 Million Job Openings Each Month?

There are millions of Job Openings Every Month

When you are searching for a job, know that you aren't as powerless as you may think you are. The job hunt goes both ways. You have the power to ask questions as much as the employer does.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out two reports each month in the United States about the job market. These two reports give conflicting information. One report is hopeful about the current job market, and the other report is depressing.

Did You Know That There are Over 8 Million Job Openings Each Month?

Image Source: Google Images

The media tends to always report the depressing statistics and withhold the hopeful information. This gives us as job hunters the wrong impression of the current job market. 

When you are looking for a job, here are a few things you should know:

  1. Job hunting is not a science; it's an art. You have to find creative ways to set yourself apart.
  2. Job hunting is always mysterious. You never know what will work!
  3. There is no "always wrong" way to hunt for a job or to change careers.
  4. There is no "always right" way to hunt for a job or to change careers.
  5. Job hunting is, or should be, a full-time job.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Get More Traffic to Test Analytics

Different Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Social Media

You can share your blog link on social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Visuals help to increase clicks so include a picture of your blog in your post. When you post to social media explain that you are trying to increase traffic and generate data. This will help increase the chances of people clicking on your link.

Promote Your Post on Social Media

You can promote your post on social media, but you have to pay Facebook. Once you do, it will become sponsored and will reach more than just your connections.

Create an Ad on Facebook

An ad campaign can also be a way to increase traffic to your blog. The first step is to go to 

Choose the "Clicks to Website" option, and then paste the link to your blog. The next step is to choose an image to use for your blog. Once you have the image, create a headline with a call-to-action for the ad.

You can then select your audience- who you want to click on the ad. This can be done by choosing geographic locations and selecting interests. The interests are keywords about who you are targeting your ad to. So for instance if you use your blog as the ad you are promoting, you will type in what your blog is about.

A screenshot of this step is featured below.

How to Get More Traffic to Test Analytics

Then, choose how long you want your ad campaign to run and how much you want to spend.
Finally, make the payment and place the order.

To see if there is any traffic from the ad, you can check this website:

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Importance of Using Google as Your New and Improved Resume

Google is the New and Improved Resume

Today, while employers are still using the paper resume to sort out potential job candidates, they are beginning to rely on a simple Google search of the selected applicant.

The search results can give employers a lot more access to information about you. Anything you have ever posted on the internet may be there for companies to see. Things like your Facebook page, Twitter account, LinkedIn, YouTube channel, Pinterest, Instagram, Blog, and Website can all be listed in the search results.

It's important to make sure that all information you post about yourself is information you would want a prospective boss to see. If your posts and accounts are not professional, there's still time to edit what's available for people to see.

Let's focus on LinkedIn because it is an important tool that companies use when they are looking to hire you.

Image Source: Google Images

To make your LinkedIn profile really stand out among other people with similar experiences and careers, here are a few tips: 

1. Have a photo of yourself on your profile. It's a turnoff to employers if you don't have a photo present. Plus you will get more profile views if you have a photo. Make sure it looks professional.

2. The Job Title is important. Put your current job title in this spot and if your position has other names then put a slash and the other names after the slash. If you are looking for a change in your current job use a slash after your position and indicate what new position you are looking for. This will help provide keywords when employers are looking for someone who fits their position they are looking to fill.

3. Past Jobs or Experience need to be more than a list of jobs or achievements. Tell a story, and talk about your experience. Summarize major achievements in this section. When listing your skills, be sure to list as many as you have because this increases the likelihood your profile will be looked at.

4. In the Summary section, list whatever sets you apart from the other people in your field.

5. In the spot for Specialties, this is where you can list keywords that will lead a search engine to find the jobs you want.

6. List the hobbies, interests, education, training, community service, and associations you belong to. 

7. Share links to your website, blog or anything relevant to your field.

8. Join LinkedIn groups that are related to your field, and post regularly, but not too often. You want to appear as an expert on your career.

9. Describe projects that you were a part of. There are even places to share a portfolio of your work.

A Simple Way to Start Using Google Analytics

It's Easy to Get Started Using Google Analytics

An easy way to begin to see how Google Analytics works and all the tools that are offered is to create a Google account. This can be done at or by using an already created Google account.

First Step: Creating a Blog

You can start a blog by going to
Click where it says New Blog. You can name it whatever you want, and you can choose the address you want it to have. Once you have created the address, make a note because you will need the link when you create the Google Analytics account.

Choose a template that you would like for your blog. This is the visual element that will appear on all your posts. Once you have completed these steps, click the button that says Create blog!

new blog

Now you can begin blogging about whatever topic you like. Once your blog is published you'll want to find ways to get your content seen. Try posting your blog link to Facebook or email the link to your contacts. 

Second Step: Creating a Google Analytics Account

Create the Google Analytics account by going to 
There will be a button in the top right hand corner that says "Access Google Analytics" if you are already signed into your Google account. If you aren't signed in, then there will be a button that says "Sign in" and you can use your Google account information.

Once your are signed in, you will be directed to a page that allows you to sign up for the Google Analytics account. Then you will be prompted to do 5 things: 

  1. Type in an account name. This could be your name, the name of your organization, or a title. 
  2. Set up a property. This is a place where your new site or blog is added for Google Analytics to track. Paste the address of your blog in this spot. 
  3. Then get your Tracking ID. This is a code that Google gives you so that you can paste it in your blog to connect Google Analytics with your blog. 
  4. Accept the Agreement
  5. Google Analytics will open a page with the name you gave your site or blog, and you can find the Tracking ID and copy it.

Third Step: Connecting the Blog Post with Google Analytics

Go back to your blog, and find the blog settings. Click "Settings" and then click "Other" Then find where it says "Google Analytics". This is where you will paste the Tracking ID from the Google Analytics page. 

It may take up to 24 hours to connect the two, but once they are connected, you can begin to track the analytics by clicking on the globe icon. This will show you web analytics that will give you an insight on your blog's performance. This means it will tell you how many visits you have and what the behavior is like on your site. You can also set a date range to show data daily, weekly, or monthly. This allows you to look back into past data and analyze trends you may see. 

Google Analytics


Once it's all set up, try to get more traffic to your blog by posting the link on Facebook and regularly blogging about relevant content.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How to Successfully Find a Job in Today's Economy

18 Key Ideas to Keep in Mind When Looking for a Job

The book, What Color is Your Parachute, by Richard N. Bolles is a helpful tool for people seeking a job. It can be a tough process, but here are 18 things to keep in mind that will hopefully make the process easier and will help you stand out among your competition for jobs.


1. You are the Given.

You can choose to go the traditional route where you try to fit yourself into the job position or the creative route where you look for a job that best suits you.

2. Make time for a self-inventory.

Do a little research on yourself before beginning the job search.

3. Search for the answers to What? Where? and How? 

What skills do you love to use?
Where do you want to use those skills?
How do you find the right jobs to apply for and the right people to talk to?

4. Look for something you love, not only what you can do. 

Finding something that seeks the skills you love will help you to be passionate about your job which helps employers hire you over someone who lacks passion.

5. Treat every possible opportunity as a career change. 

Use past jobs to help find a new job you would love.

6. Prioritize your skills. 

Your list of skills and accomplishments is only helpful if it is prioritized.

7. Go after anything that interests you. 

Even if a company that you want to apply to doesn't have an opening, apply before they open a spot and you have competition for a job you really would like. 

8. Small companies are ideal. 

Small companies are the best to apply to.

9. Avoid the human resources department, if you can. 

People who work in the human resources department are the ones who eliminate the first round of applicants. If you want to have a better chance at getting an interview, find out who the person is who will actually be doing the hiring and try to contact them. 

10. Do more than a typical resume. 

Resumes are overlooked most of the time because of the amount companies receive. There are four alternative methods to applying for a job: 1) Self-inventory 2) Join a job-club 3) Use the Yellow Pages 4) Go to the physical location and apply

11. Network. See who you know who can help you find a job opportunity. 

Find someone who can recommend you as a good employee and get you a connection to the job you want.

12. Use different types of interviews when looking for a job. 

There are 3 types of interviews that can help this process. 
1) The Practice Field Survey- stress free, interviewing others on interests 
2) Informational Interviewing- interview someone who is in a field or position you think interests you
3) Interviewing for Hire- interview with employers to see if you want to work at their company and if they want you to work for them

13. There are 5 questions that should be answered in an interview. 

1) Why are you here? 
2) What can you do for us?
3) What kind of person are you?
4) What distinguishes you from the other people we are interviewing for this job?
5) Can we afford you?

14. Time is important in an interview. 

Talk half of the time of the interview. Limit responses to questions from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. Be able to answer questions about the past, present, and future.

15. Ask for the job after every interview. 

"Considering all that we have discussed here, can you offer me this job?"

16. Send a thank-you note the same day of the interview. 

Send a handwritten or digital thank-you note to everyone you talked to.

17. Job-Hunting is a long process of rejection. 

There will be rejection when searching for a job. Each "No" is closer to a "Yes". 

18. Have alternative options. 

Don't rely on one job. Apply to multiple jobs that you think would be a good fit for you.

Analytics Can Help Your Career and Your Business

The Importance of Analytics

In 2013, some of the top skills companies were looking for when hiring people were social media marketing, digital and online marketing, and business intelligence.

Top 3 Skills to Have:

1. Social Media Marketing- helps marketers to understand the performance of campaigns.

2. Digital and Online Marketing- uses web analytics to see how many people are visiting or purchasing things on your website.

3. Business Intelligence- includes web analytics and uses competitive intelligence like financial trends or tools that look at competitors.

Web Analytics Tools

The Google Analytics Tool is a free resource for companies to use. Gaining the Google Analytics Certification can make your resume stand out and show your credibility to future employers.

Image Source: Google Images
Adobe Analytics - Omiture is an expensive program, but having this knowledge can lead to a higher salary. Not a lot of people have this skill.

Open Source Analytics helps people control their own data.

Social Analytics is included in different social media platforms such as Facebook and Youtube where users can track how many people commented and visited their site.