Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hubspot Post "Conversion Process and Calls-to-Action"

Conversion Process and Calls-to-Action

The conversion process is so important, because it is how you get leads. 
There are three steps to a successful conversion process: It starts with Calls-to-Action, which lead to the Landing Page, and finally, the Thank you Page. 

The goal is to convert the right visitors into leads. You have to attract your buyer persona and guide them to the sale. The conversion process is used to guide the visitors through the buyer's journey. 
Image source: Google images

Best Practices of Calls-to-Action: 

1) Make your copy action-oriented - Encourage clicking on the calls-to-action with clear and direct words. 

2) Use an attention-grabbing design- Make the calls-to-action stand out. 

3) Make sure to use strong on-page placement- Make the calls-to-action easy to notice on the page. 

4) Test! Test! Test some more! Improve the Calls-to-Action by adding more elements.

Image source: Google images

Saturday, February 21, 2015

SEO Post "Pay Per Click Campaigns"

Pay Per Click Campaigns 

Pay Per Click Campaigns are advertising campaigns that run on search engines results pages. It's a type of search engine advertising where payment is based on the number of times the ad is clicked on from the results list. You bid the amount of money that you are willing to pay for each click. The more money you are willing to pay, the higher the ad goes in the search results list. You can choose the keywords you want your ad to come up in the search results for. There are a lot of different search engines that run these pay per click campaigns, but the major search engines are: Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Google and Yahoo even have their own programs to create the ads.

Pay Per Click Campaigns
Image source: Google images
Things You Have to Consider When Setting Up a Pay Per Click Campaign: 

1) Keyword Selection- You should
select persuasive and specific keywords that relate to your product or service and that help you stand out from the competition.

2) Bidding Strategies- The higher the bid, the higher the position the ad will be in the search results list. You should constantly monitor and test the campaign. Knowing your target market is also important, because you can use this in the strategy for the timing and the placement of your ad.

3) Advertising Text- You should have a couple different versions of your ad on different search engines to see which ad works best. There should be a title which is keyword rich and ad text which is informative.

4) Develop Proper Landing Pages- The Pay Per Click Campaign is linked with the website of a product or service that the campaign is advertising. When the targeted customers click on the ad, it will take them to the landing page and will ask them to take action and make a purchase.

5) Tracking- The success of the Pay Per Click Campaign depends on optimization. Google and Yahoo have free tracking tools that you can use.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hubspot Post "Email- An Effective Marketing Strategy or SPAM?"

Email- An Effective Marketing Strategy or SPAM?
Email Marketing
Image source: Google images 

Reasons that email works: 

1) There are more than 3.2 billion email accounts today. 

2) 95% of online consumers use email; 91% check email once a day. 

3) Email has a longer lifespan than social media. 

4) 77% of consumers prefer email for marketing communications. 

5) Email lets you be highly personal. 

6) Email marketing has an ROI of 4300%. 

Email Marketing Works for Every Stage of the Inbound Methodology

1) Attract new visitors

2) Convert visitors into leads

3) Nurture leads into customers 

4) Delight customers into promoters

Email Marketing
Image source: Google images

SEO Blog Post "Dynamic Page Optimization"

Dynamic Page Optimization

Dynamic page optimization is a template that displays specific information in response to queries. the database is connected to the website and the response is generated through the connected database. Webmaster can easily update these websites, because they are connected to a database. There is a problem with dynamic sites though when content rich sites fail to rank higher in search engines.

Dynamic Page Optimization
Image source: Google images
Here are a few methods you can use to optimize dynamic pages: 

1) Use of software- various types of software are available that will get rid of the "?" in the query and replace it with a "/" which will help with indexing the dynamic content.

2) Use of CGI/Perl scripts- This is one of the easiest ways for a search engine to index dynamic pages.

3) Re-configuring your web servers- Apache server enables you to turn URLs containing query strings into URLs that search engines can index. ColdFusion- you need to reconfigure ColdFusion on your server so the "?" in a query string is replaced with a "/" and pass the value to the URL.

4) Creation of a Static Page linked to an array of dynamic pages- An effective approach to optimize the static page for search rankings.

Dyanmic Page Optimization
Image source: Google images

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Hubspot Blog Post "Creating Content with a Purpose"

Creating Content With a Purpose 

Content is important. It's what draws the attention of the buyer personas or ideal customers who you are trying to target.

The content process consists of four steps: 
Creating Content with a Purpose
1) Plan
2) Produce
3) Distribute
4) Analyze
Repeat these steps

1) Plan- Before you create the content, be sure you know what you are creating and why you are creating it. Have a set goal in mind. Also be sure that your content is educational, because people want to learn from the content.

2) Produce- Actually create the content. Use the plan that you came up with to create remarkable content. Develop a production strategy that works and tells what you are going to produce and when you are going to produce it.                                                                                                                                      
3) Distribute- Delivery is key. The content needs to be seen and relevant to the buyer persona you are trying to target. You have to be consistent with creating new content, because it will help you gain new leads.

4) Analyze- Look at the content and make sure your plan, production, and distribution are all working well. If it's not working, try to fix the problems and come up with new ideas. This will help you in the future when creating new content to see what works and what doesn't work.

Finally repeat all these steps to create remarkable content. 

Creating Content with a Purpose
Image source: Google images

SEO Blog Post "Keywords and Meta Descriptions are Important in Search Engine Optimization"

Keywords and Meta Descriptions Are Important In Search Engine Optimization 

Keywords are descriptive words that internet users can search for to get the content that they want. There are different tools you can use to generate new keywords such as Wordtracker, Yahoo, and Google suggest. These tools help choose relevant keywords that are similar to the ones you are searching for.
Keywords and Meta Descriptions are Important inSearch Engine Optimization
                                                  Image source: Google images
Meta descriptions are part of the HTML code that you can put a short search description using your keywords. It's a summary of what is on your website, so that searchers can decide if they want to click on your page. Meta descriptions can be found on the search results page underneath the Website title.

Both of these are important in search engine optimization.

Keywords and Meta Descriptions are Important in Search Engine Optimization
  Image source: Google images

Monday, February 9, 2015

Hubspot Blog Post "Social Media Marketing"

Social Media and Marketing 

About four times more internet users spend time on social media sites like Facebook than on Google. Social media is a great way to attract visitors and convert those visitors into leads and eventually customers. By spending six hours a week on social media to market products and services, marketers saw 74% increase in customer traffic. 

Social media is a great way to engage with customers and create the one on one personal connections. Public displays of satisfaction from customers give the company positive feedback and marketing to other consumers. Social media also allows companies to reach out and address any negative feedback promptly. 

There are a few questions a company should ask when using social media: 
Social Media Marketing
1) How good is your content? 
2) Are you on the right networks? 
3) How is your timing? How consistent are your posts? 
4) How are you positioning content? 
5) Are you doing more talking or listening? 


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

SEO Blog Post "Search Engines and Directories"

Search Engines 
I learned that search engines are programs where people can type keywords, and a list of documents will come back with that keyword in them. More than 80% of website visitors use search engines. Search engines give a list of the best content that is relevant to the keywords you are looking for. Search engines help rank pages in order of relevance.

The most popular search engines are: 

  • Google
  • Yahoo!
  • Bing
  • Ask
  • AOL

Search Engines and Directories
Directories are similar to search engines. They give you a list of results, but these results are organized by human editors. Directories come up with keywords by using the site name, domain, and a description of the site. They are usually groups of pages of related content.                    
Two ways that search engines rank pages: 
1) Crawler based search engines- scans and indexes pages
2) Human powered directories- manual listing done by humans

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hubspot Blog Post "Remarkable Content"

Remarkable Content
In class this week, we learned about how remarkable content can help create customers. By having remarkable content on your website or in your blog, you will be rewarded by inbound links or social media shares. Inbound links are a way for search engines to see the authority of your website.

Blogging Best Practices for Remarkable Content
Here are some important things to keep in mind when creating a blog post: 
1) Keep your buyer persona in mind. 
Remarkable Content    Know who your ideal customer is, and target the message in the blog to them. 
2) Address one topic per blog post. 
    Keep the blog short and to the point, so it is easy to read and informative. 
3) Blog consistently and frequently. 
    Publish as often as you want to get found online. 
4) Don't forget about great formatting and imagery. 
 Use images and formatting to draw attention to your post.   
5) Or miss out on lead conversion opportunities.                         Image source: Google images
    Blogs can be an opportunity to create new leads. 

Remarkable Content
Image source: Google images